CMDFLASH - 14-05-2019 - V3.2.0.186
CMDFlash has released the V3.2.0.186 update. It comes with the following protocols:
- BMW Aurix 2.0d DDE803S OBD DoiP Enet [VR/W/CHK/Recovery]
- RENAULT Sid310 UDS full obd [R/W/CHK/Recovery]
- VAG edc17/med17 tp2.0 full obd ( also TProtected one ) [VR/W/CHK/Recovery]
- MERCEDES MEDC17 [Back to stock]
- FORD SID807EVO full OBD [R/W/CHK/Recovery]
- VAG TCU ZF AL451 CAN [R/W/CHK/Recovery]
- Marelli 10ja FCA ( Stelvio ) 2.0T 55xx boot
- Rexton 2.0D dcm 6.2ap 55xx boot